Job Vacancy in Abu Dhabi
Job Purpose:

Takes the responsibility of the overall management of Radiation Protection at NORM plant
during normal working hours and shift hours and to assure the implementation and
fulfilment of the protection rules, nfety rules and regulations during the normal operation,
emergency and start-up/shutdown and during dte use of radioactive sources/equipment.
Assures dte implementation and fulfilment of the radiation protection program and relevant
safety rules from NORM waste reception up to final stage af disposal.

Minimum Requirements:
Diploma or equivalent with valid RPO License from accepted certified Authority at both
international and local levels.
Certified Health physics education ar equivalent certification from accepted Authority at
both international and local levels.
At least 5 years working at supervisor level position. Strong experience in radiation
industry along with the field of waste treatment operation and disposal plants or oil
refining industry includingadequate knowledge of radioaHive waste characterization,
sampling practices and general management practices.
Excellent experience in Operational health physics, dose assessments, and radiological

icciinc related tn trnncnnrt


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