Shutdown Coordinators, Planner/Scheduler

6 x Shutdown Coordinators
Maintenance Shutdown Division in Qatar

Able to handle independently end-to-end complete scope management deliverable related to a large scale /size Oil & Gas industry (e.g. refinery, petrochemical, fertilizer, etc.) shutdowns /turnarounds. He should be able to handle complete list of work during a planned shutdown /turnaround.

6 x Shutdown Scheduler/Planner
Maintenance Shutdown Division in Qatar

Able to handle independently end-to-end complete scope management deliverable related to a large scale /size Oil & Gas industry (e.g. refinery, petrochemical, fertilizer, etc.) shutdowns /turnarounds. He should be able to handle Maintenance management, Shutdown /Turnaround Planning, Preparation, Execution and Close out, Project Management, Asset Maintenance Planning. He should be a Self-Motivated, highly confident with leadership skills who takes risk with consensus and able to lead a multi-disciplined team at all phases of a plant shutdown /turnaround cycle.

Open to any nationalityCVs will be accepted until Saturday, 11 August 2018

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