Thank you to those who have sent CVs for our project in Lombok. Given the many questions from candidates, we will answer them here at once:
- This project is mining, not OIL & GAS, project estimate is 4 years
- Time schedule: Following the client, namely every 6 months, (flight ticket Jakarta base)
- Accomodation, meals and transportation are provided while at the site: Yes
- Prepared BPJS Employment, BPJS Health and Medical Check-up: Yes
- Weekly holidays? There is.
- Taxes? Follow government rules
- PPE? There is
- Termination payments? There is
- Can you invite your family to vacation in Lombok? Can you pay for it yourself?
Work Experience: Sr/Lead 10 years and above, Jr = 5 years and above
Positions that are still available (please mention in email subject):
1. Lead Site Quality
2. HSE Manager (experience) diatas 20 tahun)
3. Quality Inspector (Lead) Material
4. Quality Inspector (Jr.) Material
5. Quality Inspector (Sr.) CVL / STR
6. Quality Inspector (Jr.) CVL / STR
7. Quality Inspector (Sr.) Mech Rot
8. Quality Inspector (Chinese) Mech Rot
9. Quality Inspector (Jr.) Mech Rot
10. Quality Inspector (Lead) Mech Static
11. Quality Inspector (Jr.) Mech Static
12. Quality Inspector (Sr.) Electrical
13. Quality Inspector (Jr.) Electrical
14. Quality Inspector (Sr.) Instrument
15. Quality Inspector (Jr.) Instrument
16. Quality Inspector (Sr.) Welding / Pipeline
17. Quality Inspector (Jr.) Welding / Pipeline
18. Quality Inspector (Sr.) Coating
19. Lead Doc Control
20. Senior Doc Control
21. Local Doc Control
22. Equipment Inspector Safety
23. Vehicle Inspector Lifting
Lowongan ini hanya untuk yang available dan berminat saja ya, silahkan kirim CV le dan cc ke
(Bagi yang sudah bekerja nyaman ditempat lain mohon jangan kirim CV, kasih kesempatan bagi yang lain)